Sunday, December 25, 2011

Constipation - Do You Go Every Day?

!±8± Constipation - Do You Go Every Day?

As a general rule, you should have at least one preferably two motions daily, and not too far away from your meals either. If you do not at least have one bowel motion each and every day, or if you have inconsistent motions - in terms of how often (frequency), how they look (texture) then you have constipation. In this article we will explore some causes and effects of constipation, and also take a look at how some diets can be a real problem with this annoying complaint and I'll also give you some tips on how to improve this complaint. I have yet to find a case yet which cannot be corrected with natural methods, and over 90% of constipation will respond to simple adjustments in lifestyle. The doctor's answer is generally either a laxative, or a fibre supplement like Metamucil®. I've got a better idea, let's find and treat the actual cause of the constipation. Some practitioners would define constipation as the passage of a hard stool. Whilst another therapist I once knew told a patient that it was perfectly acceptable for her to have a bowel motion every ten days, if that was normal for her! In my opinion, it is the frequency and texture of your bowel motions which are all important factors, not the term constipation, which will always remain arbitrary. The frequency of bowel motions (how often you go) is important because it tells me how good your gut is functioning, and also how well your 'gastro-colic reflex' is working. Of course we are not taking account here if you have acute diarrhoea from an infection or parasites, giardia, appendicitis, etc. When you eat food it passes from your mouth down the oesophagus and into your stomach. The stomach then tells the colon to empty, and this is why (you should) after a meal feel like going to the toilet. This communication between the top end of the digestive system and the bottom end is called the 'gastro-colic reflex'. In other words, the top tells the bottom that it must empty, because there is food coming down its way.

The Eyeball Test

OK, let's get over it, poo, bottoms, toilets - this is an area we are not comfortable with, let alone talk about. Do you ever look at your bowel motions? I call this the eyeball test. It surprises me how many patients I speak with do not look at their motions. Do look regularly, it will give you a valuable insight into how your digestive system is functioning.

The texture of the stool is important, and will determine not only how easy the motion is passed, but can also tell us a lot about the actual health of your digestive system. The longer a motion is in the bowel, the more likely that it will become increasingly dry by way of the bowel absorbing water from it, and therefore make the motion much more difficult to pass. Very loose stools on the other hand, can pass much too easily, and have not been long enough in the bowel to firm up, you will know all about this with a campylobacter infection. Take a look at the Bristol Stool Chart, it was developed by Dr.Heaton at the University of Bristol and was first published in the British Medical Journal in 1990. If you are in category 1 - 2, you are quite constipated indeed. No. 3 is starting to look more like a normal motion. I'll bet many out there can relate to the "snake" motions in No. 4, this tells me that you are having problems with peristalsis and/or constipation, particularly in the recent past. Colonics are great for restoring the bowel in this situation. Peristalsis basically means a distinctive pattern of smooth muscle contractions that propels foodstuffs and through your esophagus and intestines. Stress has quite an amazing effect here, and this is why many will be able to relate to snake like motions - periods of stress have a potent effect on impairing the peristaltic effects in your bowel. Perhaps you felt "gutted" about something? Stress draws blood away from the gut towards the muscles. This in turn can slow digestion and peristalsis down considerably, then constipation occurs. Will a laxative work here?, don't waste your time, try a chill pill instead.

Have you noticed that when animals eat, many will want to have a motion not long after? You will commonly find this with young children as well. They have a very active gastro-colic reflex, and in my experience the elderly have a poor one. As adults, many unfortunately "hang on" until the last minute - we all have something too important, and go to the toilet when it is more convenient to actually do so. I have found this to particularly so with the always busy people with occupations like real estate, taxi, truck or courier drivers, shop keepers, etc. Many have consulted me over the years with bowel issues - generally constipation.

If you ignore the subtle signs of "needing to go" long enough, your bowel can become quite lazy, and so will you. And then when you really want to go - your bowel won't! So what are you going to do from now? If you feel like going, you should GO.

Constipation Cause

Diet & Lifestyle
The most common cause of constipation in Western culture would have to be a lack of dietary fibre combined with a poor sedentary lifestyle. I can remember years ago reading a book about the San Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert in Africa. These little bush people are hunter-gatherers who for many thousands of years have supported themselves living in the desert. They hunt mainly various kinds of antelope, but their daily diet has always consisted more of the fruits, nuts and roots and seeds which they seek out in the harsh desert. It has been found that the bushmen pass many small motions daily, rather than their Western counterparts, who go on average once daily. The bushmen rarely if ever suffer from any type of digestive problem because of their naturally whole food and high fibre-based diet. We have not only slowly reduced our fibre intake over the years, and eaten a diet increasingly high in processed foods with substantial amounts of sugar, salt and fat, we have also adopted strange diets to control our weight which include little fibre, low carbs and high protein.

For many years, fat was public enemy # 1, but the Atkins and South Beach diet gurus are blaming obesity on primarily eating too many carbs. Bread sales are down, people have become more reluctant to buy the humble spud. Pasta makers in the USA were so panicky recently that they actually sponsored a conference of scientists and nutrition experts to say that their product is healthy. On the other hand, eggs, formerly shunned for cholesterol, are selling more than ever. Animal protein has all of a sudden become king of the hill - and so have the health problems associated with it.

These diets started the "low GI" craze around the world as millions embraced the South Beach and Atkins diets. The drug companies even jumped onto this bandwagon, battling for a market once dominated by our older citizens, the market for dietary laxatives. Because many Kiwis have gone completely carbo crazy in diets that are low in fiber and high in fiber-less animal protein, they are also less likely to face a big movement - towards the bathroom. As a result, sales of fiber laxatives in NZ were booming by 2004, when the high-protein & low carb craze was at its height. Hopefully, Atkins and the South Beach diet are passing food fads. If not, Kiwis may awake one day to find that they are not only more obese but they have numerous digestive health problems like constipation, kidney stones and hemorrhoids & high cholesterol caused by these diets. It is interesting to note that both diets were developed by medical doctors, and not naturopaths. Have these diets really contributed to excellent health in those who created them? Questions arise about the personal health of both these doctors. Dr. Atkins death was supposedly the result of a fall, but doubts have surfaced about his health at the time of his death at age 72.

The Atkins Diet
How many people have tried the Atkins diet and ended up fatigued, muscle aches & pains, constipated or with other digestive problems? I'll bet many of you out there can relate to this, after going onto a low carb and high protein diet, high in saturated fats and cholesterol. Dr. Atkins can't help but concede the health benefits associated with fiber, in his own words: "plenty of fibre can be found in vegetables, nuts and seeds, fruits, beans and whole unrefined grains" The 2 week "Induction phase" of this diet tells you to completely avoid the starchier carbohydrate foods - the ones that most Kiwis like to eat, the foods which help to bulk up the bowel motions: breads, pasta, carrots, corn, parsnips, peas, potatoes in all forms and squash, but pumpkin is allowed. In addition, this diet also allows a person to have 2-3 tablespoons of heavy cream or one ounce of sour cream daily, along with lashings of meats, eggs and bacon. No wonder this is a popular diet with Kiwis, but spare a thought for your poor bowel and liver and kidneys groaning under the strain. The fatty tissue of an animal is also generally where the toxins are stored, so this is not my favourite way to encourage a patient towards a healthier diet and permanent weight management. Atkins is certainly not ideal for vegetarians or vegans as it is a meat-heavy based (protein) diet. This diet has been linked in the States to osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and kidney disease. It is also below the recommended daily values for several vitamins and minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium.

I know that there will be many people out there who have benefited short-term from this approach, but I'll bet there are probably many more who didn't benefit at all long term. According to medical examiner's reports, Atkins had a history of heart disease and heart attacks. His weight of 129 kg would have placed the 6-foot-tall doctor in the obese category, perhaps a good candidate for.....a healthy weight loss program?

Dr. Atkins was well aware of the constipation link to his high protein diet, and therefore recommend that all his followers start taking products like Metamucil ® or Splenda ®). (both containing toxic aspartame). During the induction phase, the Atkins diet may also have a strong diuretic effect for some of its followers, which means a loss of a large amount of water causing a reduction in weight, along with a loss of valuable electrolytes which contain the minerals potassium, magnesium and calcium. This is what causes the leg cramps, and fatigue and weakness many are familiar with this dietary approach. This is why you initially feel good, you loose weight, your energy is up. But this is all short lived, you then start to get tired and grumpy and your bowels play up. The best way to replace these minerals is to add (a little) sea salt to your food to taste and take a chelated mineral supplement (preferably in citrate form) that includes calcium, magnesium and potassium. Also, make sure this supplement contains plenty of trace elements and vitamins, to allow the liver to process the fat & protein more effectively. Many Atkins critics are skeptical of how a high-protein, high-fat diet can result in weight loss - permanently. Like ALL diets, research shows that people can keep off weight lost with Atkins, as long as they don't go back to eating the way they used to eat. In my experience, most people tend to gravitate slowly back towards the foods they used to eat before they started the diet anyway. And the weight slowly comes back again - no wonder that weight-loss franchises are popping up around town like mushrooms. It has always been my belief that any effective permanent solution to weight management must also address your emotional challenges, including food cravings and addictions, self-image issues and other self-sabotaging behaviors. These psychological issues are not addressed in both the Atkins' or South Beach Diet books.

The South Beach Diet. Also called the "Atkins Lite". The Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter commented on the South Beach Diet in their May 2004 issue: "Disappointingly, the South Beach Diet, developed by a Dr. Agatston, is simply yet another version of Atkins wrapped within a gimmick." Like Atkins, there are different phases in South Beach Diet. You eat normal portion sizes in Phase 1, but just about all carbohydrate are restricted. Like Atkins, this is the strictest phase in the diet and will last for two weeks, and instead of lots of red meats, bacon, etc, this diet emphasises lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, and shellfish. Low GI vegetables are allowed as well as low-fat cheese, nuts and eggs. Dieters should expect to lose somewhere between 4 to 6 kilos, but again, is it any wonder you get constipated on this regime? Here we go again - shades of Atkins, you stop all carbs such as breads, pasta and potatoes. You are told to eat plenty of protein (meats) as well as low GI vegetables (greens) which you don't normally eat in these amounts. And of course you get just about completely blocked up.

Dr. Agatston's most significant oversight may be his lack of understanding of trans saturated fats. These artery-clogging fats are to be found in margarine, shortening and many foods such as hot chips, doughnuts and many processed foods, they increase your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Early in The South Beach Diet, Agatston states that trans fats are dangerous; yet, on page 54, he claims that "hot chips and potato chips are actually healthier choices than baked potatoes ".According to Agatston, the glycemic index "measures the degree to which eating a particular food increases your blood sugar and therefore contributes to weight gain." With this logic, a person is better off eating ice cream or a chocolate bar instead of a baked potato because the glycemic index of a potato is higher than the other two.

The high protein & low carb diets have been around for awhile, in 1967, a Dr. Irwin Stillman wrote the "Doctor's Quick Weight Loss Diet," allowing his patients to eat only meat, eggs, and cheese. Stillman himself died of a heart attack, a similar fate to all doctors it seems who advocate this high protein diet approach. Any diet such as this, composed of 90% protein is necessarily short of other vital substances; should you fail to take a vitamin supplement, you run serious risk of vitamin deficiency. Because this diet is low in roughage, you will most certainly be constipated, and although Stillman recommends daily to consume eight glasses of water, it will certainly send you to the bathroom frequently to urinate, not to pass motions! In his book, Dr. Agatston openly admits that he actually takes statin pharmaceutical drugs that are used to lower cholesterol. "I personally take aspirin, fish oil capsules, and a statin drug" he writes.

But Dr. Agatston, you may not be aware that studies around the world have shown that people on a high fiber vegetarian diets can reduce their cholesterol almost as much as people on statin drugs. Perhaps Dr. Agatston would benefit from a high fibre diet, not the reverse. I'll bet that the San Bushmen of the Kalahari have never heard of high cholesterol, let alone a statin drug to lower it.

A detailed discussion of the causes and treatments of constipation goes way beyond the scope of this article, but here are some of the more common ones I see in the clinic. Examples range from conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, diverticular disease, infection of the abdomen (e.g. a bacterial, parasite problem or appendicitis) to painful anal conditions that make the person afraid to open their bowels both physically or psychologically. The elderly and very young are groups often afflicted with constipation.

Constipation causes
- Improper chewing of food, not paying attention with eating: watching TV or reading whilst eating. This can be a real problem, is this you? If you are finding it difficult to go and you can relate to the TV watching or reading- just turn the TV off or stop reading while you eat! Chewing food to a fine particle size makes sense - it facilitates digestion and absorption, improves peristalsis and bowel function. A quote from the Bible: "Chew your grains until they are liquid".
- Dehydration - not enough water. Probably one of the most common of causes. Aim for 30 mls per kg of bodyweight each day when the weather is hot. You may not be having anywhere near that amount, particularly if you have been quite constipated for years.
- Insufficient intake of dietary fiber The diets above may well fall into this category, too much protein and too little fibre. Keep you fluid intake high and make sure you eat ample fibre.
- Long periods of immobility, stress or depression.- Having regular bowel motions to me is a bit like a woman having a regular period. It comes in cycles, and when things go well they tend to stay well - until something happens. If you have recently had problems in going, look what happened just recently. A change in lifestyle? A separation or divorce, change of occupation? Did you start new medication?
- Medication - Loperamide is an anti-diarrhoea drug which reduces peristalsis and increases intestinal transit time, causing constipation in some. Codeine & morphine are used to control pain but also unfortunately reduce the motility of the stool, and some antidepressants do this as well. Even aspirin can seriously affect the digestive tract, particularly the stomach, liver & small bowel. You may want to get your medications checked out carefully to see if they are a factor in your constipation. So many drugs affect your liver's function, and can cause congestion here.There will be alternatives to drugs in case there is a constipation connection.
- Gallbladder problems - This is an area that comes up so often in the clinic. The 4 F's - flatulent, forty, fat and fertile. Is that you? I find that many women aged between about 35 - 45, they may like chocolate, wine & nibbles like cheese & crackers, and this group is often affected with constipation or a sluggish bowel. When the gallbladder becomes sluggish, your bowel slows down. Bile is produced by the liver & stored in the gallbladder & helps to soften the stool and facilites excretion. Gallbladder removed? - then take digestive enzymes, e.g., fats & oils are not digested/absorbed well by these folk. Take a digestive enzyme when you take a fish-oil supplement, or Vitamin A. Remember the eye-ball test - After you go to the toilet, look! Herbs are awesome here - see your herbalist.

Eric's Top Constipation Tips:
o Eat smaller, more frequent meals and avoid overeating at one sitting. Take time to eat, breathe slowly and chew food thoroughly.
o Try beans as kidney and chick peas, lentils, fresh fruit and vegetables, dried fruits (not too much), If you're not used to eating a lot of fiber slowly increase your intake as you may initially have increased flatulence, gas. Soaking beans first in water (and freezing them after soaking) and discarding the water you soaked them in, may help to reduce flatulence from this group. A hot tip I picked up in the States: add a few drops of Lugol's Solution ® or potassium iodide to the water when you soak beans - you will have less gas. It really works! (unless you are allergic to iodine)
o Reduce your caffeine intake as caffeine may promote constipation by causing you to loose fluids.
o Add unprocessed oat bran to hot cereals and yogurt. Eat bran cereals or shredded wheat, foods made with whole grains.
o Foods that lubricate the intestines - beet, okra, kiwi fruit, seaweed spinach, sesame seed & oil, honey, pear, prune, peach, apple, apricot, walnut, pine nut, almond, alfalfa sprouts, carrot, cauliflower
o Foods which promote motions - cabbage, papaya, peas, sesame seeds, coconut, kumara, asparagus, figs, kiwi fruit
o Herbs & foods that soothe the intestines - marshmallow root, flax seeds, fenugreek seeds, psyllium seeds, licorice root, slippery elm bark
o Good bacteria enhancing foods - miso, sauerkraut, yoghurt, kombucha mushroom, kefir, quark
o Decrease intake of saturated (animal) fats (animal and increase essential fatty acids (cold-water fish, nuts, and seeds). It is best to take Omega 3 (arctic cod liver oil) daily in small amounts)
o Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Basic stuff, but often taken for granted.
o Drink more water. Warm lemon water taken before meals stimulates digestion. Try the juice of ½ a lemon in water in the morning before breakfast. REMEMBER to drink plenty of liquids. You need more fluid particularly when you have more fiber for fiber to work effectively.
o Stewed or soaked prunes, 1 to 3 a day, have a slightly laxative effect. Prune tea - 3 prunes in a 250ml cup, add boiling water, leave stand until warm, drink & eat the prunes. Have 1 cup per day.
o Flax meal, 1 heaping tsp. in 8 oz. of apple juice, provides fiber and soothes the digestive tract. Follow with an additional 8 oz. of water. LSA (linseed/sunflower/almond - equal parts, finely ground up together) mix is excellent too. Slippery elm bark powder is good, but is a bit pricey lately.
o Aloe Vera - Take 10 - 30mls twice daily in a glass of water before meals.
o Colonic hydrotherapy - I have solved very tricky cases of constipation with recommending a course of colonics plus other complementary and alternative methods of healing. There is no question about the huge difference a professional colon therapist can bring to the patient by utilising colon hydrotherapy.
o Liver and bowel detox Go and see your practitioner, you will be glad you did. And, you'll probably loose a fair amount of weight as well. Some of my favourite herbs here are Artichoke, St Mary's Thistle, Picorrhiza and Tumeric.

Constipation - Do You Go Every Day?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

How to Detoxify With Raw Food

!±8± How to Detoxify With Raw Food

Everyone on the American Standard Diet, or anyone who eats cooked food, processed food, fast food, animal products, refined sugars, or other junk foods should detoxify periodically to get all or at least some of the harmful toxins out of the body. If these toxins are left in the body, eventually they will cause many degenerative diseases such as cancer, alzheimer's, diabetes, and heart disease.

The best way to avoid these toxins from building up, is not to put them into our body in the first place, but once we have already done so, it is essential that we now eliminate them by detoxifying.

The best way to go about doing a detoxification is to go on a juice fast, but for some a juice fast may seem a little on the extreme side, and they may choose to go on a raw food diet for several weeks or longer.

Raw foods have a lot of fiber which help to cleanse the body and digestive system by increasing bowel movements. They are also high in nutrients which help the body to restore its energy and overall health.

There is no rule which states what raw foods you must eat in order to detoxify; as long as you stick to a raw plant-based diet you will see amazing results. However, by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts, you will ensure that your body is getting all the essential oils and nutrients which it requires.

Fruits like blueberries, strawberries, plums, oranges, kiwis, and grapes are excellent antioxidants and are very tasty by themselves or in raw shakes and smoothies.

Garlic may not taste that great, but it is one of the best detoxifiers, along with kale, spinach and brussel and alfalfa sprouts. Other sprouts such as sunflower, bean, radish, garlic, leek, celery and sesame seed sprouts are also great to add to the raw food diet.

Nuts will help to reduce the hunger and they will also provide the body with protein and all the essential oils.

This raw food diet detoxification will have you feeling cleaner, and more energetic in as little as a week or two. It is best to remain on this diet for optimum health, but for some it is a difficult diet to stick with. But if you are determined and keep eating more and more raw food, eventually it will get easier, and the food cravings will go away.

It is also essential to consume a lot of clean water or fresh fruits and vegetable juices during a detox.

How to Detoxify With Raw Food

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Magnesoothe - The Most Nutritious Smoothie. "Lose weight, get healthy."

Need something healthy in your diet? A Green Smoothie could be one of the best things you could ever do for yourself! Brain Food. Fresh Enzymes, vitamins, & minerals. Help rebalanced your digestive system. Help lose weight. Help increase your energy. Detox. All this and more can be gotten from a simple morning smoothie! Want to know what to put in it? Well, it all starts with the word "Fresh." Ingredients/recipe: 50% Fresh greens (any fresh green veggies, I like Spinach and Alfalfa Sprouts) (this is where you will get most of your vitamins, minerals, and enzymes from) (include veggies that grow underground and are not green, like radishes, sweet potatoes, carrots) (don't worry, you can make any green veggie taste good with this recipe) 15% Banana (for sweetness, flavor and texture) (don't add any other fruit other than berries for it might cause indigestion and or gas) 15% Fresh or Frozen Berries (this adds flavor, sweetness, and antioxidants) (I like blue berries and black berries) 10% Coconut water, Coconut milk, or Coconut Kefer (coconut is a great source for magnesium, and potassium but also has a number of health benefits and has even been used as substitute in blood transfusions) benefits link: 10% Good Extras (I add a few extras to my drink that is like icing on the cake) SuperFood Plus ( Salba ( Liquid Vitiaman D3 Fish Oil Echinacea tincture Allic-C (open a capsule and pour it in) (magnesoothe ...

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Your Energy Levels Will Soar - Vegetarian Food Recipes

!±8± Your Energy Levels Will Soar - Vegetarian Food Recipes

There are plenty of delicious, vegetarian food recipes available for every meal of the day, including snacks and desserts that have the critical component of being free from meat products. Starting with breakfast, you can begin your day with a healthy and satisfying meal that will provide nutrition and energy. A vegetarian omelet is not only scrumptious, but it is also healthy and easy to make. Begin by gathering a variety of colorful veggies to add to your omelet. The more variety of colors you have, the more nutrients you will get, as colorful vegetables contain the most nutrients and anti-oxidants.

Try bell peppers (yellow, red, green), mushrooms, spinach and tomatoes, if you like. Chop the vegetables and add to two cracked eggs in a bowl. Cook over an open flame in safflower oil and pair with whole wheat toast.

Vegetarian snacks are also easy to prepare. You can munch on nuts, lite cheese, fruit, yogurt, chips and salsa, granola bars, cut-up veggies and so much more. For lunch, you can prepare something fresh that requires no cooking at all. In whole wheat pita pockets, add hummus and veggies of your choice. Some delicious choices include alfalfa sprouts, shredded carrot, black olives, cucumber slices and any other vegetables you crave. Vegetarians who eat cheese can also consider adding feta cheese to their pita.

A vegetarian dinner can be just as easy as any other meal. You can use the leftover vegetables of the day by cutting them up in slices and frying in a pan of safflower oil or canola oil. In a pot, prepare brown rice or another whole grain of your choice. After the vegetables are sauteed, drain and cut tofu into cubes and crisp them in the pan. Prepare a sauce made with lite soy sauce, chili flakes, rice vinegar, sesame oil and lime juice. Assemble the rice, veggies and tofu and pour the sauce over it. Make dessert simple with baked pear sliced drizzled with agave nectar and chopped pecans.

Vegetarian food recipes promote healthy digestion and provide energy. Meat-free meals virtually eliminate that "two-thirty" feeling where you just want to lay down and take a nap. By eliminating that tired feeling, you can do away with the coffee and caffeine beverages such as soda and Red Bull. With your energy levels peaking while everyone else is feeling sluggish and in need of artificial stimulation, your productivity will soar.

Your Energy Levels Will Soar - Vegetarian Food Recipes

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Creating Juice Recipes for Fasting - What You Need to Know

!±8± Creating Juice Recipes for Fasting - What You Need to Know

If you are an experienced juicer or even someone who is looking to heal from a chronic disease or condition with the power of whole foods, you may have heard of juice fasting. Juice fasting is essentially a fast, or period of not eating solid food, in which only fresh fruit and/or vegetable juices (and water) are consumed. Proponents of juice fasting claim they are necessary on occasion to detoxify the body and restore health, and have proposed a variety of juice recipes for fasting that they believe to be especially suited to this purpose.

If you are anything like the average person today, you have probably consumed a substantial amount of processed foods at some point in your life, and are likely exposed on an almost daily basis to harmful pollutants in the air you breathe, the water you drink, and even in the fruits and vegetables you eat.

Now, your body is definitely able to eliminate many of these harmful substances through the normal channels, but its ability to do so slows with age, and not all of the toxins are easily eliminated. For example, heavy metals are often stored in fat cells, and the industrial byproduct sodium fluoride that finds its way into the water supply often accumulates in bone. The fact that levels of toxic chemicals can build up in your body over time has important implications for your long-term health.

Therefore, occasional juice fasts may be beneficial for those who suffer from certain forms of toxicity or who have trouble eliminating certain toxins. Even people who have had a long history of consuming fast food diets would likely benefit. Juice fasts allow your body to focus its energy on elimination of toxins since fresh juices are so easy to digest. In addition, certain vegetables, especially the dark green variety, contain compounds that are known to bind heavy metals and other toxins and thus facilitate their elimination.

Commonly juiced fruits and vegetables used in recipes for juice fasting include kale (dark green), cabbage, carrots, celery, spinach, beets, apples, pineapples, and cranberries. Other leafy greens may be incorporated as well. Make sure to use organic produce to the extent possible and the freshest fruits and vegetables you can find, as these will be the most nutritious and contain the least amount of toxins such as pesticides and herbicides. Be sure to use a vegetable wash on any non-organic produce.

Here are a couple of simple juice fasting recipes to get you started:

1 cucumber
4 celery sticks
3 handfuls of spinach
8 lettuce leaves

Fresh parsley and alfalfa sprouts can be added if more taste and detoxification if desired.

Lemon-Ginger Cleanser
1 1-inch slice of fresh ginger root
1 whole lemon
6 carrots, including tops
1 apple

Before undertaking a juice fast, you may want to consult a health professional, as there are a few important pitfalls to be aware of. If you have any nutritional deficiencies, eating disorders, low blood sugar, low blood pressure, diabetes, or are on any prescription medications, this advice is especially true.

Depending on the length of the juice fast, temporary side effects such as fatigue, low blood sugar, headaches, dizziness, hunger, diarrhea, and halitosis may occur. If these symptoms become more serious as the juice fast continues, you should end the fast and consult with a qualified health professional immediately. Juice fasting is also not recommended for pregnant or nursing women or before or after surgical procedures, as the body may not cope well with a sudden change in the numbers and types of nutrients it is receiving

It is advisable to conduct juice fasts for no longer than 3 days, since certain nutrient deficiencies, especially in calcium and protein, may occur with longer fasting periods. It is important to remember that juice fasting assists your body in reducing the stress of digestion and freeing up energy for elimination, but that all the nutrients your body needs will not be contained in the juices you're drinking. Therefore, be sure to take it slow, keep it to a short duration, and stop if you are experience significant discomfort or other serious symptoms.

If you are considering doing a juice fast, make sure to avoid processed foods, but especially at least seven days before and after the fast. If you find that the juice itself is not enough to sustain you, stick to whole foods as necessary to get you through. You'll generally want to consume somewhere between 32 and 64 ounces of fresh juice per day, depending on your body size and metabolism. You'll be receiving most of the important nutrients your body needs while still cleansing your system.

Hopefully, this article has given you some things to think about regarding juice fasting so you can determine if it is right for you. Remember to do your own due diligence ahead of time and go easy on the juice fasting, especially if you are looking to do it for the first time. Additionally, it is never a bad idea to consult a health care professional you trust to get a second opinion before you start.

Creating Juice Recipes for Fasting - What You Need to Know

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Foods That Help In The Anti Aging Process

!±8± Foods That Help In The Anti Aging Process

For thousands of years, people have been in search for the elusive fountain of youth. One such famous search for the youth was conducted by Ponce de Leon in the early 1500's. The mythical legend spoke of miraculous waters and those who drank from this miracle fountain would never age and would maintain the beauty of youth. The water was never found and so the fountain of youth remained only a legend.

Despite the fact that this miraculous water was never found, the quest for a miraculous anti aging elixir that would maintain our youthfulness forever has not been quenched. Today, many products and procedures claim to be able to reverse or slow down the aging process. These products and procedures include using natural remedies, creams, injections and of course, the plastic surgery.

However, the most natural of all the substances may be found in the foods that we eat everyday. These foods may be the natural solution to help in the quest for the anti aging process. These foods can be broken down into two basic categories of: fruit and vegetables

Fruits - Certain fruits have demonstrated promising results in the aid of anti aging process. Those fruits include apples, strawberries and grapes. Researchers have discovered that some of these fruit products contain ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a natural insect repellent substance found in various plants

This acid has demonstrated the capacity to hinder the growth of tumors within the body. This hindrance process of tumor growth is accomplished by the ability of the acid to minimize the enzymes, within the body, that are utilized by mutated cancer cells.

Other fruits that contain the valuable anti aging ingredients are cantaloupe, peaches and apricots. These fruits contain antioxidant properties that are known as lycopene. These antioxidants protect the body's cells from damage caused by the free radicals. In addition, these fruits have demonstrated their effectiveness in protecting certain organs of the body.

And apple aid in the anti aging process of the skin. Initial testing has shown that apples stimulate the production of collagen. The production of collagen is necessary for the skin to maintain its elasticity which can help minimize the wrinkling of the skin.

Vegetables - Some vegetables have also shown their ability to fight the anti aging process. Vegetables such as carrots, spinach and sweet potatoes have also demonstrated known antioxidant capabilities.

One other group of vegetables like soybeans and alfalfa sprouts, when eaten, that has demonstrated their effectiveness in blocking the production of particular enzymes. The antiaging substance found in these vegetables is known as genistein. Genistein inhibits the production of enzymes that have been identified as stimulants that are known to activate the cancer genes.

Foods That Help In The Anti Aging Process

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Mung Bean Sprouts

!±8± Mung Bean Sprouts

When you buy bean sprouts at the supermarket, they are probably sprouted from mung beans. Oriental cooking has used these sprouts for centuries as a fresh vegetable. In most Asian countries, you can find them in market stalls. The same is true in Central America and East Africa. It's only in recent years that they've become popular in other countries. Nowadays, you can find them in the produce sections of many grocery stores and supermarkets.

These are small beans shaped like cylinders and they have a bright green skin. The beans themselves are used whole for cooking although they are sometimes split and hulled. The split and hulled ones are small and yellow. They don't need to be soaked, and they cook easily to a soft consistency.
One of Many

While the mung bean is the one most likely to be sprouted, seeds of other legumes are becoming popular in some areas. For example, in Japan, blackgram is preferred because its sprouts are whiter and stay fresh longer than mung bean sprouts. In mainland China, small-seeded soybean sprouts are popular. In the United States, alfalfa has become available in many supermarkets and specialty stores.

Mung bean sprouts are often eaten fresh in salads although some people cook, boil, and stir fry them. They can be canned or frozen successfully. When 100 g of mature, raw mung beans are sprouted, they go from 384 calories to 313; the carbohydrates are reduced from 67.5 to 58.8; Protein goes from 27.1 to 33.8; lipids go from 1.46 to 1.77; and minerals increase dramatically.
Chinese Farmers Grow Mung Beans Mostly by Hand

They dry them on gravel roads, and they are pretty dusty when they come to us. It's wise to rinse them thoroughly and cull through them before moving on to the soaking phase. Be on the lookout for small bean-look-alike pebbles. Even on high-quality seeds, it's wise to go through these steps before soaking them. Once in a while, you may get some mung beans that will remain hard after soaking. Be sure to look through your soaked beans to find those hard ones and throw them out. They are smaller and darker, so you shouldn't have any trouble seeing them. The will "clink" when they hit the pan whereas those that have soaked up a lot of water will not make a noise.

It's wise to soak mung beans for twelve hours. Be sure that your water is at about 70c ½F. You can decide whether you want to grow small, sweet mung sprouts or big mungs. The small ones will be ready when the roots have grown to ¼ to ½ inches. The big mungs will have 1 to 3-inch roots. In either case, remember to rinse and drain every 8 ½ hours.
Supermarket & Chinese Restaurant Mung Bean Sprouts

The mung bean sprouts you see in a supermarket or a Chinese restaurant will most likely have big stems and thick roots. These are grown with chemicals and gasses in 500-gallon machines. Your home-grown sprouts are not going to look like that. However, you can get some thick roots by using a sprouter that drains from the bottom. Also, you'll need to be careful about disturbing the seeds and sprouts when you rinse. The beans need to remain stationary. You want them to form a mass that can't be moved. Also, you will want to rinse longer and with lower water pressure. If you're rinsing in the sink, you might try the sprayer during the first two to three days until the roots have formed a firm mass.

Your sprouts will be ready for harvesting from 8 to 24 hours after the final rinse. Drain them thoroughly. Put your sprouts in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator. You can expect a 2 to 1 yield for short and sweet mungs; however, the yield for big and thick mungs may be as high as 3.5 to 1.

Mungs are the most consumed sprout in the world. As we noted above, Asian cuisine uses them extensively. Also, they're the best sprout for cooking. There are many great recipes using mung bean sprouts. You can find them on the Internet or in cookbooks that focus on Chinese food or on preparing sprouts for eating.

To your sprouting success,


Mung Bean Sprouts

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

How to Grow Organic Alfalfa Sprouts in Your Home Garden

Visit: Organicgardening is much more then just avoiding the use of chemicals on your garden. For many people it is an outlook on living using nature's laws to grow their fruits, vegetables, and other plants naturally. This is usually a personal choice made in light of much research done into the importance of diet as it relates to our health and longevity. Studies have shown that organically grown foods have higher concentrations of vitamins and minerals then those grown using chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Organically grown fruits and vegetables are not only better health wise but they also avoid the accidental exposure to those chemical agents that are used in large scale commercial farming that is so common in today's world. http Here are 10 key components that are a fundamental part of organic gardening. 1. Healthy Soil - This is probably the most fundamental aspect of any organic garden. Healthy soil that is replenished naturally will grow healthy food stuffs year after year. Organic fertilizers such as manure and composted garden, yard, and kitchen waste are easily recycled back into the earth creating nutrient rich soil that will grow all manner of healthy plants. 2. Avoid all chemical or synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. This will not only ensure that your soil stays naturally organic but it also relieves the worry of harm to your family and pets should they come in contact with these dangerous ...

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Benefits Of Alfalfa Plant Juice

!±8± Benefits Of Alfalfa Plant Juice

Alfalfa plant or Alfalfa sprout juice Alfalfa plant, which is also known as alfalfa or clover boom, it's usually known to fatten cattle, and the juice has long been used to put weight on people. Combined with carrot and lettuce is to support the growth of alfalfa juice presumably hair. How to consolidate the alfalfa plant has exceptionally long roots, sometimes more than 120 ft (37m).

This will allow the plant to an efficient concentrator of trace elements. Alfalfa plant is highly concentratedsource of vitamin A, which is not lost when the plant is dried and sold in tablet form, and of vitamin C. Not all of us live near a source of alfalfa, but it is as easy to sprout, to mustard and cress, and the resulting sprouts are not only of a high nutritional order but are also exceptional providers of a wide spectrum I minerals.

The high vitamin K content is important as a blood clotting factor and has been found in animal studies to control high blood-pressure, although the importance of this to man is not yet established. Alfalfa juice is normally taken in combination with carrot because it is very strong alone and the two complement each other well. It must be said that it is not very tasty on its own so its use as pan of a juice combination is the more acceptable way of using alfalfa as pan of a healthy diet.

Benefits Of Alfalfa Plant Juice

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